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In Response to the Silly Argument if You Had Any Spiritual Discernment You Wouldn’t Listen to Mark Driscoll Sermons or Read His Books November 7, 2009

Posted by rzhblog in Mark Driscoll.
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This was originally posted on “True Faith Defender” related to a Anti-Mark Driscoll Comment Troll.  It was off topic for that blog since Mark Driscoll has no connection to Robert Morey other than a subscription to Robert Morey’s Faith Defender Twitter feed.  It is posted here as it was removed from “True Faith Defender”.   I pray daily that Mark Driscoll will repent and remove himself from Robert Morey’s Faith Defender Twitter feed.  Robert Morey hasn’t tweeted anything since June 2009 to date so maybe God has answered my prayer?

I really am having a hard time understanding why Mark Driscoll is so much hated by some so-called Christians!!!!

I can understand why Robert Morey is so much hated by some.

The evidence against Mark Driscoll too much of the time is poor and presented by someone who lacks any love or grace. There are persons who desire to push Mark Driscoll into a incoming BART Train so they can enjoy seeing him killed. It is like Mark Driscoll is the son of Satan and beyond any hope of redemption so he has to be totally destroyed and those that like Mark Driscoll have to be hunted down and exposed as false Christians. It is like Mark Driscoll is a cancer in the Body of Christ and he has to be removed at all costs as the ends justifies the means. It is like there are persons who expect to enjoy Heaven for eternity while watching Mark Driscoll and his fans burning for eternity in Hell.

This radical hate of an individual who doesn’t appear to deserve this treatment has to stop. Such hate of a person makes Christianity appear to be the religion of hate making Islam look like it really may be an religion of peace after all.

I have come up with a few ideas as to why Mark Driscoll may be hated by some; and it appears to me that a lot of persons need to get a life and stop making it their life goal to destroy Mark Driscoll’s ministry. God appears to like Mark Driscoll and there are warnings in the Bible about attacking persons who are part of the body of Christ. I am not convinced like some persons are that Mark Driscoll is the son of Satan and beyond God’s grace.

What is amazing is those that desire to destroy Mark Driscoll’s ministry typically find it strange that anyone would want to expose the many extremely well documented flaws of Robert Morey since it is politically incorrect to say that Robert Morey is guilty of any sins. I am amazed by double standards that it is OK for Robert Morey to steal money from Larry Wessels and then slander Larry Wessels to cover up the truth; but somehow it is not OK for Mark Driscoll to be a pastor of any church for reasons that appear to be ??? Sorry the case against Mark Driscoll has always appeared to me to be personal opinion with no good Biblical support. The Bible can be used to prove beyond question that Robert Morey should not be allowed to be an elder of any Christian church but I have yet to see any strong evidence that Mark Driscoll shouldn’t be an elder of a Christian church.

The typical thing tossed into my face is if I had any spiritual discernment you would know that Mark Driscoll is anti-Christ, too immature, or something else to be a teaching elder of any real Christian church!!!! Too often my spiritual discernment is that the person attacking Mark Driscoll may not be a Christian; therefore I shouldn’t listen to gossip this person has to say about Mark Driscoll.

I am tired of the argument if you had any discernment because if I really had no discernment then logically that means I am not born again of God therefore I should be treated as a person outside of the Body of Christ. However, the person acts as if I am born again of God therefore I should know by spiritual discernment that Mark Driscoll is a heretic or unfit for teaching eldership by immaturity or some other reason. It is the person attacking both Mark Driscoll and myself that has a problem in logic as the person is basically using the it should be self evident argument that Mark Driscoll is so guilty that I should know he is a heretic or too immature to be a teaching elder with no evidence having to be presented.

In the USA a person is not guilty unless proven guilty and the Bible appears to support the concept that a person should be considered a Christian unless his fruit proves the person not to be a Christian. In the case of Mark Driscoll I admit that he is flawed, he appears to be growing spiritually, he has repented of past sins which is more than Robert Morey has ever done, and he doesn’t preach Christ-less Christianity. The Bible doesn’t make it a requirement for a elder to walk on water and I am not aware of any evidence that Mark Driscoll is so flawed that he cannot be an elder in a Christian church.

Naturally I expect the anti-Mark Driscoll gang to condemn me to eternal Hell fire for this posting but what else is new??? I am sick of persons whose life mission is to destroy Mark Driscoll’s ministry in the Name of GOD!!!! As if there is any evidence that GOD has given them the authority to destroy Mark Driscoll’s ministry by gossip and silly arguments like if you had any spiritual discernment you would know that Mark Driscoll shouldn’t be a pastor of any Christian church.